If you prefer to download a donation form and email or mail in, please click here. You are also able to sign up to give monthly through Direct Debit from your bank account with this form.

HopeShares (formerly Seed of Hope Canada) is registered with Canada Revenue Agency (BN 85731 2359 RR0001) and will issue your tax-deductible receipt. Gifts designated for a specific project or ministry will be used as specified. It the project or ministry is fully funded or cannot be carried out for any reason, HopeShares may apply these funds to other board approved projects of a similar nature.We respect your privacy and do not rent or sell our mailing lists. HopeShares is planning to raise an estimated amount of $291K this year on fundraising campaigns. It will cost our organization $12K. All donations will be used for board approved programs and projects. Gifts will be acknowledged and an official tax receipt for tax purposes will be given. For further information, please visit hopeshares.ca or contact Naomi Provencal at 587-880-2915. Our address is PO Box 10234 Stn Main Airdrie, AB T4A 0H5.